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We are building the very first fiction book club co-created with its members
... and we need your input to make it perfect!

The very first UK book club co-created with its members
Personalised book selections, monthly mood monitoring, book reviews, discussion platform, periodical meet-ups: there is lots of ideas and we would love to know your preferences!
Personalised book selections, monthly mood monitoring, book reviews, discussion platform, periodical meet-ups: there is lots of ideas and we would love to know your preferences!
Answer a few questions to help us kick things off and keep yourself in the loop - no strings attached. We promise neither spammy nor annoying sales content - we will only contact you to ask your feedback and share the updates on club developments. Once the concept is ready you decide if you want in or not.

Who is it for?
Do you feel like you have read all that is good out there?
Or maybe you are just in the beginning of your book journey?
Either way, we want you in the club!
Any other fiction book lovers among your friends?
Ask them to come along by sharing link below - the more the merrier!
Answer the first set of questions below - it takes only a minute.
We can't wait to hear your thoughts!